Hi hi hi

Ahhhhhhhhh it’s nice to have a private blog again!! In the early days of fb, it was just my group of friends and it was fabulous not to have to worry about what people i hadn’t seen in 20 years or my MOM might think about house music or my politics or whatever else i post that strikes my fancy. i’ve missed having a place for free expression!!! and now that my workplace has become flowers in the attic or some shite, i need an outlet.

it astounds me that people in america think they are free as the noose tightens significantly–how is it that so few feel it or recognize it? there is NO FREEDOM in America anymore, especially if you have little money. and even if you have some money, it’s only the illusion of freedom–you can choose a better house or car, perhaps, but true freedom? no. America has slid into fascism/inverted totalitarianism. and i’m going to be THAT GUY



you know? because seriously, i don’t understand how people don’t see this. actually, i do, it involves propaganda and brainwashing. so i keep plugging away, hoping that a spark will catch somewhere, a thought will take hold and people will say hmmm…we don’t have to take this…until then, i am shadowboxing. 

i don’t understand how this all works yet, and i haven’t gotten anyone else on board, but in time. and i have no illusions that it can’t be spied upon, as i write from a google chromebook with a busted screen (i’m going to fix it, and i will share the results…) but it’s a direct line to Booz Allen Hamilton or the NSA or FBI or ICE or some stupid acronym. 

So if you have seen my cover photo, it’s a Fukushima Ostrich. at least as metaphorical as Titanic. i love birds. but onto the news of the insane:


  • MRAPS, 13,000 of them, are being given to local police departments. that’s mine repelling vehicles, if you are unfamiliar, because you know, the US is filled with land mines. the gov’t uses a lot of acronyms to sound snappy and important. i can’t see how this is a good thing, especially with the big guns and other crap they ostentatiously display at every opportunity. old people, little kids, people with mental or physical (hearing impairment) issues, down’s syndrome kids, dogs…have all been victims of cops’ itchy trigger fingers lately. it starts with the Rodney Kings and Amadou Diallos but eventually, white people realize that it’s them, too. we’re all suspicious, all the enemy. have you ever been treated with disdain by a cop, even as you were being polite and respectful? despite the fact that we pay their salaries, we are treated as recalcitrant teenagers who need to be put in our place. 
  • Carlsbad, New Mexico. Nuclear waste storage site leak. Slowly, slowly we learn it’s worse than what they said originally. YOU DON’T SAY!!!!!! i wrote one friend to predict the way it would go down, and sure enough…who’s right again. I’m not special, i just pay attention. 
  • Fukushima. it gets worse by the day. breaking it down at this point seems pointless because it’s fubar and will reach epic levels of fubar in the not too distant future. on related note, lots of friends continue to have multiple deaths in their circles. lots of heart attacks and fast moving cancers. i am not surprised by this. horrified by it, but not surprised. 
  • some famous people did some shite, sports were sportsed, there are boobs and asses on magazine covers, so all is well, and besides, they’d tell us if there was something to worry about, right? :crickets:
  • Oh yeah, there’s also that bit about how cops can come into your house without a warrant if one person agrees but one does not, and prosecutors can seize assets before conviction of a crime, making it difficult or impossible to get good counsel. i’m not too clear on that ruling as yet, but it isn’t good. 
  • Michigan wants to fine picketers $1000. Free speech? only if you can afford it. 

Free? yeah, we’re free to go to our slave wage jobs, pay our bills, and watch tv. and that’s about it.

i needed to vent a little bit, it’s been a long time since i let it fly. in coming days, we’ll discuss grief and how the people want a different path than the “leaders” but they have the money. we have the power, we just haven’t taken it in hand yet. and we’ll get into learned helplessness and stockholm syndrome as it relates the the global situation.

thanks for joining me, and resolve to be THAT GUY. think about it every day and how important it is. we are at a crucial juncture in history, and your choice to disobey when everyone else blindly follows does matter. but always, always, always, act in love, never violence.